
The Apostolic Fathers: An Introduction is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Apostolic Fathers represents the best and latest in German-language scholarship on the Apostolic Fathers—now available in this exclusive English edition. Crafted by an expert team of scholars, The Apostolic Fathers offers introductions to the works comprising this early Christian corpus, fully equipped with cutting-edge discussion of important topics including theological profiles,...

ordered as you have it in the Gospel of our Lord”) may indicate, though not necessarily, a written text. My own view is that the text of Did comes from the same community(ies) as Matthew and that its earliest form predates that gospel, but that it has continued to evolve, in tandem with Matthew’s gospel, which eventually replaces it.20 If Did is independent of Barn and the Synoptic Gospels, then there is no firm basis for dating the text beyond the contents, and they suggest a very early date. Here
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